Pointers For The Safe Storage And Disposal Of Medicines
A lot of people store medications for their conditions, whether these are chronic diseases or just a one-time situation. Medicines have to be purchased in certain amounts to last the entire treatment plan. Here are top pointers in storing and disposing of these medicines properly and safely.
Proper Storage
After purchasing their medications from a Retail Pharmacy in Lincoln California, patients will need to store them accordingly. Improper storage can affect how effective the medicines can be. Remember the following:
- Read the label
All the information that you need in terms of storing the medicines are in their labels. Read the label to know how to store a specific medication.
- Keep them away from pets and children
Your prescriptions are for you alone. Make sure that you store them in a place where pets and children cannot easily reach and accidentally put them in their mouths.
Proper Disposal
Upon the end of treatment or upon feeling well after taking medicines, many individuals may still have a certain amount of pills or tablets left behind. Most people would just leave them in their storage areas or cabinet bins instead of disposing of them properly. Follow these pointers about proper disposal of your medications.
- Check the expiration dates
Almost everything that can be consumed has an expiration date. This is a certain time where the product is no longer safe for consumption. Medicines also have expiration dates. Check the label as to when the medicines will expire. If they are way past their expiration dates, it is time to throw them away.
- Remove personal information from the bottles
Your prescription bottles often include your personal information and medicine information on them. Before throwing them out, make sure to remove any of your information there.
- Separate the bottles and their contents
Naked bottles can be thrown in the trash. But, the contents should be removed and disposed of separately. As much as possible, they should be mixed with dirty garbage so others cannot and will not get to them.
- Do not throw them down the drain
Medicines can block your drains. Liquid medications can also go into the water supply which can return to your home.
- Check with your drug store in California about disposal service
Try bringing your medications to the store where you bought them and have the staff properly dispose of these medications for you.
Lincoln Pharmacy is committed to providing quality specialty pharmacy services in California. Contact us or visit our store today for your inquiries.