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Understanding and Managing Multiple Sclerosis

Understanding and Managing Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an illness that affects nearly 1 million people in the United States. Being a trusted pharmacy in Lincoln California, we acknowledge the need of diagnosed persons for specialized medication to manage this sickness as symptoms vary from one person to another.

Some symptoms of the disease numbness or weakness of limbs, blurry vision, slurred speech, fatigue, and tingling or pain in some parts of the body. For some people who are diagnosed with MS, the symptoms are manageable even without treatment. However, there also others who need constant treatment as the symptoms affect their daily life and productivity. For those who are struggling with the symptoms, it is important to acquire a medical prescription in California before taking any medication.

Aside from a prescription from a physician, it is also important to engage the services of a drug store in California that offers specialized medication for MS. The expertise of registered pharmacists should also be sought to ensure the proper administration of drugs.

Lincoln Pharmacy operates as a specialized as well as a retail pharmacy in Lincoln California. Our qualified pharmacists are ready to assist you with your medication concerns regarding MS and other diseases. We can also ensure the safety of our medications and medical supplies to help you in living a healthier life.

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